Monday, April 11, 2011

Fish Tanks

A recent hobby I have gotten into have been pet fish. I think having fish as a hobby is very gratifying, building a tank making a theme of your tank with you decor, and finally the best part of the hobby going to a specialty fish store and picking out your fish. I have always had pet fish my whole life but it was never a hobby it was just something I had in my room as a kid but about a year ago a friend of mine was getting rid of his 55 gallon fish tank and I said I would take it, and thus my hobby began.
I always buy my fish as small babies because for one there cheaper than buying full grown versions, but it is great to watch them grow over time. My interest has grown more and more as the year has progressed, another thing I got into is growing water plants so the ecosystem can be stable which the plants keet the Nitrate levels stable which is a problem with tanks that dont have live plants in them, unless you use a nitrate balance chemical. Now I started with one tank and now I have 3 tanks filled with fish, 2 are at my apartment and one is at my room at home.

55 gallon fish tank

In my Shipwreck theme tank I have 15 fish:
1 Pleco
3 Tri Colored Sharks
2 Iridescent Sharks
3 Blood Parrot Cichlids
2 Zebra Danios
1 Kuhli Loach
2 Giant Danios
1 Rainbow Skark

  35 gallon up right tank

In my Tropic theme tank I have 19 fish:
5 Striped Tiger Barbs
5 Green Tiger Barbs
2 Striped Barbs
3 Neon Tetras
2 Angelic Catfish
1 Platty
1 Pleco