Monday, February 28, 2011


So we got to scotts (carlys Brothers) apt and its pretty sweet nice one bed room, very typical European apt that I have seen on HGTV its funny cuz his toilet is in his shower so I made note I could take a shower and possibly use the bathroom at the same time haha sounds like the best time ever. We headed out and made out way to rent bikes for the week and have lunch. We had lunch De Benkerwinkle were I had a great open faced ham sandwich with bri cheese, then we walked thru the red light district. It was crazy to walk thru there cuz it’s a tight ally way where the girls stand in a glass door wearing minimal clothing and you can just knock on the door and they open it up and you tell them what you want to do. Oddly enough most of the girls looked like normal girls minus the clothing, like they could have easily been one of my friends from home. There were some less than attractive girls tho don’t get me wrong my god it looked like one of the girls (if you wanna call them that) looked like her whole body was leather and had 5 to many collagen injections in her lips. Anyway then we went to get bikes to ride around the city just like the locals, river trips you know being stereotypical american travilers. the best part was riding bikes and having a nice german beer at the same time while passing a cop, you do that in american your gonna get close lined and throw in jail.

Days going to the Airport

Have you ever noticed that when ever your going to go on a big trip everything needs to go crazy the day your leaving well here is when i went to Amsterdam. When I woke up I had to go take my brothers car to get his headlight fixed with fahy, so I did that for the afternoon until we had to leave, even tho we didn’t have power until right when we left at 3pm ish. On the way there river road was about to over flow and close the whole road. On 287 there was literally a lake in the middle of the highway it was raining so bad and there had just been 2 accidents. Finally we get to the airport, on the line for security check we saw carlys sorority sister Lauren Lampanellie. For the first time ever in history of me going to the air port I made it thru security without having something go wrong. Grabbed a bit to eat and got on the air plain, I sat next to some lady so was from mexico going to a conference in Amsterdam. We left at 640pm but there was a 45min delay, (airplane traffic is what they said it was which is kind of weird to say since airplanes are in the air how can there but thats obviously on the run way. We ended up getting in Amsterdam at 9 something oclock in the morning and I didn’t sleep the whole plain ride so I was all crazed out.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Winter Chaos

I am a big fan of all these winter storms we are having this season. The last time I remember having this much snow it was the Blizzard of 1996 which i was 9 years old and all I knew was I didnt have school. But now being in college and working I think its crazy what snow can do to peoples simple day to day actions. I personally enjoy the chaos it congers up. When it snows bad it seems as if the whole world shuts down to some extent. Businesses dont open, people cant get to work, and if your a college student and you dont have school your biggest concern is how your going to get to the liquor store if you didnt prepare the night before and stocked up on your favorite drinks.
The one thing I really hate about the snow is driving. Let me correct myself its watching other people drive in the snow, I dont mind driving in the snow because I can handel it and I drive in the proper mannor according to the weather. When I see people coming up to stop signs and traffic lights like its a beautiful summer afternoon and think their car will just stop are mentally challenged. The best is when people after the snow storm drive with literally a foot of snow on there car. Its almost like they tried to perfectly wipe only there from and back window so it looks like there driving around in an igloo, its brutal.